The purpose of this notebook is to provide you with the appropriate information and regulations on all Volleyball activities for the upcoming season and school year. This information will help you meet the required deadlines, understand certain policies and procedures, and solve the problems that ultimately become your individual and team responsibility.

The notebook will be kept at the school. It will alert you to policies and expectations that will affect you as a team member. You will be asked to bring your notebook to each practice in the gym, to all team meetings, and on the road during the fall. We truly want the lines of communication open at all times for information or help in any and all situations. Never be afraid to ask if you are in doubt.


  • Philosophy
    • Coaching Philosophy
    • Warrior Way
  • Team Information
    • Player and Staff Contact Information
    • Team Roster
  • Schedules
    • Match Schedule
    • Practice Schedule
  • Expectations
    • Volleyball Expectations
    • Team Policies
    • Academic Expectations
    • Team Travel Expectations
    • Community Service Expectations



To empower young women to be leaders and resourceful by building personal, social, academic, and athletic connections


To become the premier high school volleyball program on the Western Slope while competing for League and State Championships


To make a difference in the lives of young women – empowering them to be strong, confident, educated women who can make a difference and impact others at our School, in our district, in our communities, in the state and beyond while seeking excellence on and off the court


These Pillars Create the Standards and Culture of Central High Volleyball

RESPECT – The Warrior Way is built on Respect.
Respect is the foundation of the Warrior Way. Respect creates the culture by which we live and make decisions daily. Academic Excellence and Trust are integral parts of this respect. Class and study hall are important; your education is why you are here. Excellence in the classroom will lead to success in other parts of your life. Trust encompasses all aspects of each of our lives, on the court and off. Your actions should reflect those of an individual who is trustworthy.

HARD WORK – The Warrior Way is built on the foundation of Hard Work."Nothing will work unless you do." Our thought process will always be one of we deserve to win because we have worked harder than our opponent in all phases of being student-athletes. Fundamentals and Powerful are areas our hard work will be on display. We will be the best at the basics and take advantage of our strengths; having the ability to serve, pass, set, block, dig, and attack within the simplicity of volleyball. We will take pride in being the strongest team from a mental and physical perspective. Mentally, we will be resilient and confident in achieving success. Physically, we will attack all hardships on our body and adapt, tolerate, and recover quickly to function at our optimum level. Preparation creates strength!

PRIDE – The Warrior Way is built on taking Pride in everything you do.
Everything you do has your personal signature on it. "The greatest pride of all comes from being a part of something that you could never do alone." Community and Passion drive our pride. This opportunity is not afforded to everyone, and you should share your experience with those in this community and find ways of involving the many who have helped you along the way. This program is going to achieve greatness and you must decide if you have the passion to be a part of it. When times get hard and difficult, community and passion are what pull you through.

CONNECTION – The backbone of the Warrior Way is being Connected.
The ultimate function of connection is to provide for one another. This program will nurture, support, and serve one another daily. A Connected team is Committed and Dependable. The expectations of a Warrior are high and anything less than meeting those expectations is not accepted. Commitment to becoming a better person, student, and athlete daily is vital for our success. Always doing your best and being someone that can be counted on are what defines and separates the Warriors from the rest.

Ultimately, these pillars lay the foundation for who we are and our commitment to them will determine our level of success.

Commitment Needed to Play at Central High

Commitment to Hard Work
Our program is built on the concept that hard work pays off. We believe that we work harder than anyone else and we always deserve to win. Accept it and develop good habits in practice. Don’t settle for being average! There is a reason we are the best...we work at it.

Commitment to Becoming a Smart Player
Understand the game and think quickly on your feet. Make good decisions and outsmart your opponent. Our players must be good listeners and learn by watching. We prepare mentally for practice and matches. We will possess poise under pressure.

Commitment to Team before Yourself
We must have athletes who believe in our team concept. Our program is built on the concept that the team/program is bigger than any athlete. Give to other people...selfish teams will self-destruct. Understand you need each other.

Commitment to Having a Winning Attitude
Our athletes must be committed to winning and understand that we don’t measure our success by winning alone. Each time we compete we evaluate ourselves on how well we played toward producing our best. The test for our team is never quitting. WE NEVER QUIT. Believe in yourself. Play with confidence and avoid dwelling on mistakes. Talk positive. Resistance is a temporary obstacle we can overcome together.

Commitment Needed to Stay at Central High

Commitment to Being Responsible
Mature people are responsible people. Get a Diploma! Go to class, be on time, meet with teachers/tutors, and plan ahead. Talk to professors when traveling or if you have a problem. You have committed to be a Warrior...that means you will be at all workouts and team functions.

Commitment to Being Respectful
Treat teachers, trainers, support staff, and all you meet with respect. Moody people are rude and disrespectful. Your actions are a reflection on all of us. Treat other people the way you want to be treated and give them the benefit of the doubt.

Commitment to Do the Right Thing
We have plenty of school rules...know them. Realize if you just try to do the right thing you will be okay. Can we trust you? Can your teammates? Be honest.

Commitment to be Loyal and Committed to the Program
Athletes are watched closely by the athletic department, academic community, and the local community. Your words and actions are noted by all. Never talk about your teammates behind their backs. Backstabbing will only keep this team from being successful. It is in the best interest of the team that we keep our problems and issues within the team. We MUST be committed to building the tradition of our program and respect those that have gone before us.

Commitment Needed to be Successful at Central High

Commitment to Believe in Our System
Commit yourself to our philosophy. You need to be coachable and be able to communicate with your coaches and teammates. Accept criticism and realize it is not personal. It is your responsibility to talk to your coaches, not about them. Learn to separate the Person, the Student, and the Athlete.

Commitment to Believe in Your Teammates
It is your responsibility to communicate with and help each other. Every team needs Great Leaders, Eager Followers, and Role Players. Lead by example all the time. Do what is best for the team. Give to your must give in order to receive. Respect and respond to your leaders. Everyone will have a role... your ability to accept yours is crucial to our success. We understand we are all different—be respectful of teammates and others.

Commitment to Believe in Yourself
Commit to compete with confidence. Commit to think positive. Realize that you are a great athlete in our program. Your reaction to your performance is crucial to our success. If your performance is poor, commit to not make the same mistakes again. Realize that you were chosen to be here; be a leader. Keep your mind focused on growing.

Commitment to be Consistently Motivated
Commit to be a clear-minded, physically prepared, enthusiastic practice player. Maintain your focus and concentration. Be mentally ready for each practice and each match. Whether we are winning or losing, commitment to becoming a better person, student, and athlete should never change.

Commitment to Believe in Your Coaches
Commit to believe your coaches have your best interests in mind. Know your coaches are trying to help you become better people, better students, and better athletes. Ask questions rather than whining and complaining. Learn to take tough coaching. It is your responsibility to accept that your coaches are doing what they believe is in the best interest of the team and you.


Proper Sleep—You are expected to get proper sleep—learn to balance and prioritize your sleep.
Proper Nutrition—You are expected to eat properly—eat wisely and nutritiously before workout sessions and matches. If you need help, please ask.
Proper Treatment—You are expected to get proper treatment—plan and get it done. You are expected to be at treatment until released by our Trainer or your Sports Medicine/Doctor.
Proper Preparation—You are expected to be prepared properly for academics, practice, games, and anything else this program is involved in. Know our notebook—Review Offensive and Defensive Strategies. Know the expectations of every position. You are expected to journal before and after every practice.
Proper State of Mind—You are expected to be in a proper state of mind when it comes to team activities. The TEAM is always first. It is your responsibility to get rid of the things in the day or week that take your mind away from the task at hand.
Proper Attitude—You are expected to find and know your role on the team. You are expected to use it to add to the team.

Time—You are expected to always be on time. You are expected to be ready to take the court for practice when the coaches arrive. The training room will not be accepted as an excuse. Make plans if you need to go to the training room. All meetings, team activities, matches, you are expected to be there in time to walk in relaxed and not hurried. PREPARE!
Between the Lines—You are expected to always run between the lines. This team is a team of hard work and great condition and to make sure those things are staples of this program; we will never be a team that does not hustle. When presented with an opportunity to hustle and work hard, take advantage of it.
Communication—You are expected to make communication a priority on this team. This team will call all balls—leave no doubt. You are expected to communicate with your teammates if there are any issues. If there is truly a problem, you will want to talk about it. Talking about individual issues with a teammate to another teammate will not be tolerated. Go straight to the source.
Team—You are expected to be a team player in practice. Everyone is ultimately responsible for making sure the equipment is out and ready for practice. The team will have individual responsibilities but ultimately, we are a team. Everyone will have a role in every drill—handing to coach, being a good partner, shagging balls, wiping the floor, etc. Take pride in each drill and work to make sure that it runs smoothly.

Eye Contact—You are expected to listen and make eye contact with the person talking – coach or teammate. Make sure your body language reflects an open mind and your sincere interest. Remember, team discussions in practice are not personal. We are all members of the team and are working toward the same goals. If a teammate calls you out, don’t get mad; get better. They obviously felt the need to speak up so there must have been something.
Attitude—You are expected to be a positive influence on practice, games, classes, team activities, etc. You are expected to leave negative self-talk and defeatist attitudes outside of this program. You are expected to portray the image of respect, honor, and success.
Work Ethic—You are expected to work harder than anyone else. The expectation of this team is high and with that comes a lot of hard work. Expect to push yourself and let your mind be open to pushing your body to new levels. High performance people, you, take that mentality into everything they do.
Team vs. Self—You are expected to be a team player in everyday life. You are expected to look at all
situations with the team in mind. You are expected to choose your words wisely when talking about the
team, your teammates and coaches, and athletic staff. Represent Central High with Class!

Team Policies


  • You will be expected not to consume alcohol at any time during training, the season, and any other times during which you are responsible to Central High Volleyball.
  • You will be expected not to abuse drugs of any kind. This is to include prescription and over the counter drugs.
  • You will be expected not to use tobacco products, vape, or smoke.
  • You will be expected not to be at social gatherings where any of the above is present. The expectation is you will make good decisions. 
  • You will be expected to respect all school policies, athletic policies (included in District 51 Student Athlete Handbook), and local, state and federal laws.


  • You will be expected to work with each of your teammates and help provide social spotters. It is the responsibility of the individual to be responsible and make good choices but it is the responsibility of the team to help make sure each follows through on the responsibility. This includes social gatherings, relationships, health, etc.
  • You will be expected to act like a team at all times. 
  • You will be expected to be accountable for your actions as a team.


  • You will be expected to follow all guidelines in this notebook and added to this notebook.

Each student-athlete and situation is unique and will be handled as so. The coaching staff will work to find the facts and will deal accordingly with the student-athlete. There will be no surprises with this team. It is your responsibility to report anything that is a negative on the program immediately to Coach Reynolds.

Academic Expectations

Team Academic Goals
Our team will strive to achieve a 3.5 Team GPA.

We want to receive the AVCA Team Academic Award annually. This award is for teams who achieve a 3.3 or higher.

Academic Expectations
The expectation is you will be in school and always attend class. You will miss enough class with travel and any additional absences are not acceptable. Health concerns are a natural part of life and your communication of these to the coaching staff and Athletic Trainer before school is vital. We will trust you, your parents, and the Athletic Training Staff to guide us.

The expectation is you will be in class and seated on time. There are very few reasons you should be late to a class. Be on time, attentive, and prepared.

The expectation is you will introduce yourself to your teachers on the first day of class. You want them to know who you are and that you are going to have an open line of communication with them. Meeting with them during their planning period and advisory is a great way to make sure they are aware of you and your desire to achieve success in your academic pursuits.

The expectation is for you to sit in the front of the class and be attentive. Separate yourself from distractions in the class and limit your usage of technology for non-educational purposes.

The expectation is for you to complete your work in a timely manner. When traveling, it is our goal you will complete as many assignments in advance. This will lighten the burden on the teacher and increase your attentiveness on the road.

The expectation is for you to maintain a 3.3 GPA or higher.

The expectation is for you to communicate any struggles with the coaching staff and your appropriate academic support staff – principals, guidance counselors, etc.


Personal Conduct

  1. You are representing Central High. Your actions should enhance the reputation of our great school on and off the court.
  2. Have fun! Enjoy the trip! Please refrain from doing anything that violates good manners and might annoy other traveling companions or hotel guests. Do not attract attention to yourself for the wrong reasons.

Property of Others

  1. Treat the property of hotels, restaurants, buses, rental cars, and other schools as if it were your own. Keep them clean!


  1. Take proper care of your equipment. You are always responsible for your own things. It is easy to lose equipment if you do not care. Very little will be lost if you give proper care to your equipment.
  2. Any piece of equipment (including warm ups and bags) you lose you will be responsible for its replacement.
  3. Be aware of your responsibilities on trips...i.e. extras bag, video camera, etc. Help your teammates remember their assigned equipment.

Locker Rooms

  1. Assist each other in leaving our dressing and locker room facilities in even better and cleaner condition than when we came in. Pick up towels, cups, tape, ice bags, trash, etc.

Proper Attire

  1. Our team will dress uniform in either travel jackets/t-shirts/leggings when travelling to matches and when returning from matches!
  2. The following types of clothes are NOT permitted:
    1. Cut off shorts or shirts – crop tops
    2. Spaghetti strap tank tops (undergarments must be covered completely)
    3. Extremely short shorts


  1. The week before leaving on a trip, be sure to discuss your impending absence from class with each teacher to make satisfactory arrangements for the work that you will miss. Do this in person and or during their office hour. Send an additional email thanking them for their time and willingness to communicate with you about the impending absences. Arrange for your assignments to be completed in advance – do not wait until you return.
  2. Study Hall will be available in our schedule when possible. Please plan accordingly. Download any assignments, take screen shots or pictures of books to lighten your travel bag, and discuss any tests or assistance you need from staff in advance. Communicate!

General Expectations

  1. Do not visit with strangers and always be with at least one other teammate when you are outside of your room.
  2. You are not allowed to leave the hotel. You must inform the staff of any visitors you have at the hotel.
  3. Visit with Family and Friends in the hotel lobby. Meet and socialize with them but respect your roommates.
  4. Meals are team activities. The expectation is for you to be with the team. Your family is more than welcome to come to the place we are eating but you will sit and eat with the team.

Community Service Expectations

You are expected to participate in certain activities. We will have scheduled events in the fall and spring that will be team service projects. The team will give back to this community in many ways. Participating in community activities is not only good for our community but for our program as a whole. There will be many opportunities so you can work within your schedules. The spring will be a time where more individual hours and volunteer time will be expected.

Team Activities and Individual Hours
Goals for the year – Our goal as a team will be 10 hours per person.

Team activities in the fall and spring semester

  • Reading at an Elementary School
  • Thanksgiving Dinner
  • Christmas Giving Programs
  • Challenger Baseball
  • After School Programs
  • Awareness Activities
  • Service Project

Game Day Expectations

You are expected to be available and active on game day. All three teams will support each other throughout the day. Unofficial is Varsity will serve C Team, C Team will serve JV, and JV will serve varsity. Ultimately, it is all our responsibility to serve, support, and be there for the other teams when possible. Connection matters!

3-BALL SYSTEM – For the Varsity matches, we will run a 3-ball system to keep the matches going fast. We will request 3-6 athletes to help keep this going throughout the match.

STATS – If we need additional stat keepers or handers or shaggers, you will be available and excited to help!

GYM – After the varsity match, we will clean the gym. We will sweep the bleachers, clean up the equipment, and help custodial staff any way we can.

CROWD – Immediately following your match, you will be asked to go into the stands and thank five people who attended that you do not know. This is a great way to encourage and have people to support out program.

TIME FOR YOURSELF AND TEAM – All teams will take some time after their respective matches to assess, review, and clear their minds of the match. This is unfiltered time for you and your team.


  TEAM AND PARENTS - THIS IS FROM TISH, JOSH, AND THE ATHLETIC OFFICE AT CENTRAL There is an opportunity to get physicals tonight at CHS for...